Evidence in Casey Anthony Case Shows Search For “Foolproof Suffocation” the Day Caylee Was Murdered

“ORLANDO, Fla. -Prosecutors may have missed a crucial clue in the case against Casey Anthony.

WESH 2 News investigators said the lead prosecutor in the case didn’t know about the evidence until after Anthony was acquitted of killing her daughter, Caylee.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office said the day Caylee Anthony died, someone in the home did a computer search using the words “foolproof suffocation.”

Deputies did say that when whoever in the house did the search, they misspelled “suffocation.”

WESH 2 News legal analyst Richard Hornsby said the state would have had a better chance to convict Anthony had the evidence been discovered sooner.

“The words to describe there was a search that implicates Casey Anthony but no one found it stuns me — best way to describe it,” Hornsby said.

In his book, Anthony’s attorney Jose Baez, first revealed their computer expert found the Anthony computer suffocation search in a mirror image of the hard drive the state provided them.

A sheriff’s official said Tuesday that law enforcement experts failed to find the search in the same hard drive.

Lead prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick confirmed she asked the Sheriff’s Office to investigate Baez’ claims and discovered they were true.

Burdick said she never asked investigators to search for the term “suffocation” specifically before or during the trial but that, “I asked for a full history of June 16, 2008, before trial. I have those emails.”

When asked if the investigators missed a potentially trial-changing clue, Capt. Angelo Nieves said, “We’re looking to see how we can do things better in the future. There are a number of things we can take away from the episode.”

Baez argued the lack of computer evidence from that crucial day indicates a state cover-up for George Anthony.

One blogger who posted purported screen grabs of the suffocation search claims it came after George Anthony left for work that day, implicating Casey.”

This evidence would not have made any difference. Those 12 morally deficient nincompoops still would have acquitted her.



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