You Are Not Crazy: It Might Be PTSD

PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is often unrecognized in those who have it, and it affects millions of people.

Some of the most common symptoms of PTSD include recurring memories, which can be in flashes, fragments, or partial memory.

Nightmares insomnia, loss of interest in your favorite things, or feeling numb, anger, depression, and irritability are also common.

It is common to avoid anything, anyone, or anywhere that you fear might trigger repressed memories -or events never forgotten- that cause great distress.
Some of the less known symptoms are below:

  • • Feeling emotionally cut off from other people, or estranged from others.
    • Thinking you are always in danger
    • Fear of impending doom
    • Feeling anxious, jittery, or ‘on the edge’
    • Experiencing a sense of panic that something bad is about to happen
    • Exaggerated startle response
    • Feeling overwhelmed
    • Having trouble keeping your mind on one thing
    • Feeling cold for no reason, or having night sweats, or shaking for no reason
    • Eating disorders
    • Impulsive behavior that is dangerous or harmful
    • Aggression
    • Inappropriate sexual behavior
    • Inability to experience positive emotions
    • Always being on guard for danger
    • Overwhelming fear for unknown reasons
  • Inability to experience positive emotions
  • Always being on guard for danger
  • Overwhelming fear for unknown reasons

PTSD_carousel_t770It is common that alcohol or drug abuse, and other self-destructive actions, will begin, or increase during periods in which PTSD is being experienced.

Scattered thoughts, spaciness, forgetfulness, dissociation, and amnesia can also occur.

Familial conflict, or trouble getting along with your spouse or co-workers –conflict that arises out of seemingly benign situations, or an over-reaction to small disagreements is common.

With the current state of the world, PTSD symptoms can vary in intensity –especially by watching news stories, or while reading about a sexual assault, or due to conflict with neighbors or because of money issues.

ptsd-570x200PTSD will increase with stressful situations that would otherwise not have bothered you, or not bothered someone who does not have PTSD.

Post traumatic stress disorder can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which severe physical harm occurred or when there was a serious threat.

Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include incest rape and trauma, death threats, violent personal assaults, natural or unnatural disasters, accidents, sudden shock due to loss, or military combat.

PTSD can occur at any age, including childhood. Women are more likely to develop PTSD.

PTSD is usually diagnosed when the symptoms following exposure to trauma persist for a month or more.

In some people, PTSD will not show itself until years after the trauma occurred.
Symptoms of PTSD can arise years, or decades after a person has been raped, threatened, or sexually abused –especially if they were traumatized during childhood.

Loss of a loved one, a divorce, a new abusive home environment, an abusive employer, getting married, having a baby, or any serious life-altering event can trigger PTSD, but these events are NOT the direct cause of the PTSD symptoms. there is an underlying, root (original sensitizing event) cause for the PTSD to arise years after trauma or childhood sexual abuse took place.

Total, or partial amnesia, for childhood terror, sexual abuse, rape, and other trauma is highly common, and associated with PTSD.

There is no other cure for PTSD, than to actually deal with the original trauma –the initial sensitizing event. Prescription medication is not only dangerous, and can kill or harm you…but RX drugs are linked to suicidal behavior, and to the harm or the murder of others. Research has shown that anti-depressants can kill the empathy gene.

Medical marijuana will never cure you, it only treats certain symptoms. Watch out, because the U.S. Government holds the patent for marijuana, and this means that one day, they will probably get a hold of all medical marijuana distribution and will probably lace it with dangerous chemicals that could eventually kill you, or alter your DNA.

It’s better to treat PTSD naturally, through effective psycho-analysis.


