Women Who Sexually Abuse Children Not Rare



Looks pretty normal right?

There is no “normal.” Parents, I cannot stress enough the urgency to not leave your precious children in the hands of just anyone!

This is only one of several stories in the news lately that involve a woman sexually abusing a child. The stories are too many to post on my Blog, so please know that this is NOT rare.

Tulsa, Okla. —

“A follow-up to a story KRMG first brought you in March.

Tulsa court records show Samantha Bryant was sentenced on Friday to 45 years in prison for sexually abusing a four-year-old relative and allowing her boyfriend to sexually abuse the child as well.

She was accused of performing a sexual act on the young child while her boyfriend recorded it all on his cell phone. The boyfriend hasn’t been charged.

The Glenpool mom was charged on Wednesday with sexual abuse of a child under 12 and permitting child sexual abuse.

Tulsa court records show 23-year-old Samantha Bryant is accused of allowing her boyfriend to molest her four-year-girl while she filmed the incident.  Bryant is said to have told federal agents she molested the child as well on a separate occasion.

Her boyfriend, Jon Adleta, hasn’t been charged yet.

Police say Bryant was arrested last Friday morning after officers and federal agents searched her home.  Adleta was at work during the time of the search.

The child was taken into protective custody.

No court date was given for Bryant.”

Why hasn’t the boyfriend been charged?!



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11 Responses to Women Who Sexually Abuse Children Not Rare

  1. Lula says:

    Yes, it was wrong for your mother to get scared and go back to bed. Yes, it is wrong, even if the woman is being beaten up. If you were being beaten up in your marriage, but caught your husband sexually abusing your child, or your dog, would you then just go back to bed?

    / I would not just go back to bed. I am a protector or a mother bear when it comes to children. I would ……. I just drew a blank. I don’t know if I would call the police or free my child first. I would free my child with all my might. I would use force if necessary.

    As far as my mom, the child in me wants to believe my mom did what she felt comfortable doing at the time. I saw this man beat her over the head with a coke bottle and leave cuts in her scalp etc. I saw my father attempt to murder her, after kicking a door in at my aunts home. He shot the gun at her and my aunt jumped in front of my mom and took a bullet in the arm for her and saved her life. He raped, beat, and attempted to murder my mom. My father was very violent. He was on drugs etc.

    If she went in the room and stopped him, she might not be here today! He may have killed her and everyone in the home if he were caught molesting my sister. I don’t think anyone can know the intentions of this man. Did she do the wrong thing by not stopping him that night? Yes she did. What if she stopped him and he killed her and everyone in the home? He beat my mom, me and all my brothers and sisters during my early childhood. He beat my sister with a water hose for running away. My mom did the wrong thing but this man put her in the position to have to choose such a cowardly response. I will not call him my dad. I forgive him but I do not like his behavior.

    • Alethea says:

      I understand what you are saying Lula. I am not going to judge your mother’s behavior. I just know that women in these situations often see the warning signs, don’t leave when the man begins to abuse them, and the woman allows it to escalate. They have sex with violent men and create victims with the man –knowing they are in a dangerous relationship and setting up children for abuse. Not all women are innocent, and some are not guilty of anything except being sick, vulnerable and weak. Some women provoke the abuser.

      I don’t know your mother’s situation, so I am not going to comment anymore. I am just glad you all got out.


      • Lula says:

        Thanks! I value your opinion. I feel at peace. This man terrorized my family and I feel that my mom had a good heart and acted in everyones best interest. She did not appear to me as an enabler. For example, My older brother attempted to molest me as a child. I went and told my mom and she went and found my brother and cussed at him or scolded him and told me if he ever tried that again to come and tell her. She was mighty upset, furious and pissed off. I loved her, for that response. I also told her when my friend’s dad touched me on my breast and she was super supportive again. Thanks for listening and understanding.

  2. little nel says:

    A convicted sex offender just got sole custody of his six year old daughter in Oklahoma City. He was convicted of sexually abusing his older daughter when she was six.
    I wonder what this judge was thinking?

    According to some legal experts, we have judges who are trying to see how far they can go in trying to oppose decent people who are law abiding and peace loving by releasing violent offenders that they know will re-offend.

  3. Tornad0sRul says:

    What is really weird is that the woman was charged at all. Women are very overprotected and are rarely prosecuted for sexual abuse, or for blatantly allowing sexual abuse. Women are the biggest enablers of sexual abuse, and it is usually not so obvious as this case. Most women offenders simply look away and allow someone to molest children, most of the time their own children. Start prosecuting women, mothers, and caregivers for allowing it, and you will see sexual abuse of children decline rapidly.

    • Jess says:

      Finally a real jail sentence for child abuse. Not the joke we call sentencing.

    • Alethea says:

      Yes, and most of them play victim when they are caught. They blame the man. That is an insult to victims.

    • Lula says:

      Most women offenders simply look away and allow someone to molest children, most of the time their own children.

      I find this behavior to be appalling. I do not believe it is (only) men who lack courage anymore. It is some women also! My mom caught my father sexually abusing my older sister in my sister’s bedroom. My mom got scared and went back to bed. She did not say a word.

      My father was in bed with my mom and he got up and left the room. She decided to follow him and he went into my sisters room to sexually assault her (it was not the first time.) He was physically abusing or beating my mom up and that is why she was scared. Is it wrong to have not tried to stop him? I Dont know. She did begin her plan to leave him and we left very shortly thereafter and went to grandma’s home. I am grateful that she left. He would have probably started sexually abusing me next.

      • Alethea says:

        Lula, both men and women lack courage and have courage. It is the individual soul which determines the courage, not gender.

        Yes, it was wrong for your mother to get scared and go back to bed. Yes, it is wrong, even if the woman is being beaten up. If you were being beaten up in your marriage, but caught your husband sexually abusing your child, or your dog, would you then just go back to bed?

        I am happy that she eventually did the right thing and took off with the kids. She made the right choice in the end, but many women don’t, and the children end up suffering sexual abuse for years and then suffer from the after-effects for decades.

        It is not to be excused or taken lightly when a woman knows her child is being sexually assaulted and turns her head out of fear.

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